The deadline for the submission of papers, doctoral projects and case studies has been extended to :
15 February 2021, at midnight.
AFMI Atlas - Virtual Conference 2021
Dear colleagues,
We hope that you are all in good health and continue your activities despite the difficult context. Given the health and institutional uncertainties, the next AFMI Atlas conference will be vitual. The successful experience of the Poitiers Conference in 2020 reinforces us in the idea of organising an online event that is attractive and allows exchanges between researchers. We will try as much as possible to maintain the warm atmosphere that characterises our association and its events.
We are therefore postponing the conference initially planned at the University of La Sabana in Colombia until the spring of 2022. The environment should be more conducive to travel and face-to-face meetings.
We would like to remind you of the main deadlines for the 2021 conference.
Key dates
31 January 2021: deadline for submission of papers, doctoral projects and teaching cases (full text)
February 28, 2021: sending of evaluations and decisions to the authors
12 March 2021: the authors send the final versions of the selected papers.
3 May 2021: doctoral workshop and Atlas-AFMI case workshop
4 and 5 May 2021: annual conference of Atlas-AFMI
As in previous years, the best papers from the Conference will be published in a special issue of the journal "Management International" and in a book published by Vuibert.
We look forward to receiving your submissions in the coming weeks.